Fuck Kennedy I’m a Macom X Man,
Fuck Kennedy I’m a Malcom X Man.
Jon didn’t know, it was all in the Plan.
Assinate the Whites who think they The Man.
RFK could have had the Golden Hand.
Kocked him off, well- GOD Damn.
MLK used Speech to say BAM.
Without HIM there wouldn’t be 40 acres of JAM.
I’m back in the Bay to get my Meds Straight.
I really Lucked out with my parents, they are the only one who can get me to take the meds I need when I hit the streets and start acting illegal.
I gotta bout a week left of Moss Beach, and then I’m going to take a vacation down in LALA for one week. My plan is to roll right back, but well see how it goes.
I have a potential job interview with a Match Making company, where horney celebs asking ME what hitting it “Oakland Style” means.
Even if I get the job, there’s too many shows I love up here that I love.
We’ll see.
I’ve been in the Bay my whole life.
One time, an old black man in West Oakland told me move out of your home town before your 40. I didn’t make it. So I’m going to look for a place in the east bay.
On the other hand, the PAY AREA has urned me Zero Dollers and Zero Cents in the last year even though I have tried to do things like sell cigs and work as a car mechanic. Should I try bartending?
I think, A place is always in you. The last country I went to was Brazil, but I’m not going to go back. One Brazilian and you want to try other type of latin flavors.
Does anyone have any connections in LA they can link me with in Film and TV while I’m biking around Long Beach?